XR-4 Quick setup guide

This is a quick guide for setting up your XR-4 headset. For a full walkthrough, see our guide for setting up your headset.

Setup steps

Follow these steps to set up your headset.

1. Launch Varjo Base

Depending on your commercial package, you may be asked to log in with your Varjo Account.

Varjo Base needs to be running when using the headset.

You can check that Varjo Base is running from the Windows notification area located on the Windows taskbar.

2. Connect your headset and charge the controllers

Connect power to the headset adapter using the charging cable. Use the 60 W port in the 3-port charger.

  1. Make sure the charging cable locks into place properly.
  2. Connect the headset adapter to the back of your computer. The status indicator light in the headset adapter turns green.
  3. Connect the headset’s data cable to the headset adapter. Make sure the cable locks into place properly.
  4. Connect the headset’s display cable to the graphics card of the computer.

3. Power on the headset

Power on your headset by pressing the power button briefly.

4. Power on the controllers

a. Varjo Controllers (Varjo Inside-out tracking):

Long press the Menu button to power the controllers on and off.

The controllers will go idle if unused for 5 minutes. The controllers are automatically activated when you press any button.

b. SteamVR controllers (SteamVR tracking):

Follow the manufacturer’s guidance.

5. Launch applications

To start a VR application in your headset, run the application on your Windows computer. The application will open directly in your headset.

To start a SteamVR application or game, launch it either in Steam or using its own application executable. Do not start SteamVR manually, it will start automatically.

To close a VR application running in your headset, you can close the application from the Menu or directly on your Windows computer.


Optional setup steps

If the controllers stop working, they may need to be paired again. In case your controllers need to be paired again, see our pairing instructions depending on what controllers you are using:

Room setup may need to be performed again if the current room has not been mapped yet, or if the room layout changes. If you need to perform Room setup again, see our guide depending on which tracking method you are using: