Varjo Markers

Varjo Markers are physical markers tracked by your headset in mixed reality applications. Different types of markers are used for different purposes.

You can find instructions for printing Varjo Markers on our Developer Portal.  Each marker has a unique ID, and you should not use the same marker more than once in any given environment.

Object markers

Object markers are used to track the position of virtual objects in mixed reality. You can print out and place object markers in the physical environment, which are then replaced with virtual content in your application. Object markers can be stationary or moving.

When your application is running, the status area in Varjo Base will show a list of the markers that your headset has recognized. If a larger number of markers is listed, you can see their details by clicking on the status area. Markers that have not been recognized by the headset for longer than two minutes will be automatically cleared from the status area.

Varjo markers

Note that object markers are processed by the headset only if your application supports the use of Varjo Markers.

Reference marker

Varjo reference marker can be used to improve Varjo inside-out tracking (Beta) accuracy.

Tracking can be lost if there aren’t enough physical features in the room for the headset cameras to follow. To improve tracking, place the reference marker in the room to serve as an easily trackable physical feature.

Note: make sure that you have good lighting in the room when you use the headset. Read more about how to prepare your environment.

Place the reference marker on a level surface so that the headset cameras can see it when you use the headset, for example on the wall, floor, or table in front of you. Make sure to attach the marker firmly and flush with the surface. If you have a reference marker supplied by Varjo, it comes with an adhesive backing, and you can also print out a reference marker yourself.