Varjo organizations are the business entities in Varjo Account Portal that own and manage Varjo services.
To get started with setting up your organization, create a commercial account and log into Varjo Account Portal. Accounts are free and signing up is easy.
Read on for instructions to set up your organization and manage subscriptions.
Being invited as an admin for an organization
Creating an organization
Varjo services are tied to and managed via an organization, which consists of admin users and regular members. Read more about Varjo services.
Follow these instructions to set up Varjo services for your team:
1. Create an organization
To create an organization in Varjo Account Portal, select Create organization.
You will automatically become the admin user for the new organization. Admin users can purchase services, assign seats, as well as invite members and other admins as needed.
2. Purchase services
You can purchase subscriptions in Varjo Account Portal under Purchase subscriptions. Subscriptions are tied to your organization.
3. Invite team members
As the admin user for your organization, you can invite members of your team to join the organization either as an admin user or regular member. Invitees are sent an email with a link to create a new Varjo Account or to join with their existing account.
Invite others to join your organization:
- In Varjo Account Portal, open Organizations and select your organization.
- Under Members, click the arrow to open the Members page.
- Select Invite admin or Invite user and enter an email address to send an invitation. See instructions on how to accept an admin invitation.
After creating an account, members can download software in Varjo Account Portal.
4. Assign services to team members
Varjo XR or VR subscriptions require that each user is assigned a seat in a subscription to gain access to services.
Assign a seat in a subscription:
- In Varjo Account Portal, open Organizations and select your organization.
- Under Services, select Assign seats.
- Select an existing user, then select OK. Alternatively, select Invite user and enter an email address to invite a new user to join your organization and assign them a seat.
Being invited as an admin for an organization
When you are invited to join an organization in Varjo Account Portal, you will receive an invitation email with a link to create an account and join the organization.
Follow these instructions to create your account and set up Varjo services for your team. Read more about Varjo services.
1. Create your Varjo Account
Create an account using the link in the invitation email. Make sure to use the same email address the invitation was sent to.
With your new account, you are automatically an admin user for your organization.
2. View your organization
Organizations in Varjo Account Portal are used to purchase and manage Varjo services, and assign seats in subscriptions. An organization consists of two types of members: admins and regular members. Admins can invite new members, manage services, and assign seats in subscriptions.
To view the details of your organization in Varjo Account Portal, open Organizations and select your organization.
3. Invite team members
As admin you can invite new members to join your organization. Invitees are sent an email with a link to create a new Varjo Account or to join with their existing account.
Invite team members to join your organization:
- In Varjo Account Portal, open Organizations and select your organization.
- Under Members, click the link to open the Members page.
- Select Invite user and enter an email address to invite a new member. Alternatively, select Invite admin to invite another admin user.
Members can download software in Varjo Account Portal.
4. Assign access to services
Varjo XR or VR subscriptions require that each user is assigned a seat in a subscription to gain access to services.
Assign a seat in a subscription:
- In Varjo Account Portal, open Organizations and select your organization.
- Under Services, select Assign seats.
- Select an existing user, then select OK. Alternatively, select Invite user and enter an email address to invite a new user to join your organization and assign them a seat.