Powering the headset on and off - XR-3, VR-3, and Aero

Your headset is powered by the power supply units connected to the headset adapter(s). If the power supplies are plugged in, the headset remains powered on even when you turn off your computer. The status indicator light will shine orange.

The headset will go idle when you are not using it. The headset displays are turned off and the status indicator light shows a dim green pulsing pattern.

Your headset is automatically activated when you move it. The displays are turned on and the status indicator light turns a solid green.

After using your headset, disconnect the headset from the power source. For example, using a smart plug or an extension cord with a switch allows for easy access to the device’s power supply.

To restart your headset, press and hold both the Menu button  and Action button  until the status indicator light blinks once. Alternatively, disconnect and reconnect the power cables to restart.