Eye tracking and hand tracking not working in an Unreal Engine project and showing "Unsupported" in Unreal Engine VRTemplate.
In Varjo Base:- Go to Headset tab
- Set Hand Tracking switch to ON
- Go to System tab
- Set Allow eye tracking switch to ON.
If you have a Vive console, Vive Port (or any Vive-related software) installed, try uninstalling them. Vive Port is not compatible with Varjo OpenXR runtime.
Note: Vive adds the following implicit API Layers:
Link - https://registry.khronos.org/OpenXR/specs/1.0/loader.html#implicit-vs-explicit-api-layers
Implicit API Layers have an environment variable for disabling them.
Set the following environment variables when Varjo runtime is active:
After setting these environment variables Varjo OpenXR runtime works properly again.